A review by imme_van_gorp
Galen by Jaclyn Osborn


I've got mixed feelings on this because there were certain things I liked, but also certain things I didn't.

Let's start with what I did like: I really enjoyed the general idea of this book and series. The world-building is interesting, the plotline caught and held my attention, and I definitely love the family dynamic the 'brothers' have going on. The idea with each of the brothers representing the Seven Deadly Sins was something I found very cool, and can't wait to see explored further.

What I didn't like, however, was the romantic relationship in this book. 
Simon and Galen had a complete insta-love connection, and I never really saw them bond or get to know each other better. It was like they both randomly loved each other, and that was that. 
Nonetheless, even though they are both head-over-heels in love with each other, there is still a constant string of 'fuck-and-leave' going on between them. Galen refuses to fall in love, so he keeps Simon at bay 'emotionally', but they do have sex all the time. 
I don't like those type of love stories: Either just accept you are falling in love or at least don't have sex, and instead let the tension simmer. But the way it was now, with the sex and no feelings (even though they did have feelings, so it was stupid as well), it feels kinda... cheap to me. Especially since the sex was non-stop. 
The whole relationship had no emotional factor for me and really bored me most of the time.

The characters were fun. Mostly the secondary characters, though. Simon and Galen were once again not all that interesting to me. Simon especially; I feel like all he did was ask questions, and that was like his entire personality. 
Out of the secondary characters I loved Gray the most. He is so cute and adorable, and I cannot wait to read his book. Daman and Bellamy have not gotten a lot of attention in this book yet, but they did both peek my interest quite a lot. Raiden and Castor seem sweet albeit a bit bland, and Alastair is kinda mweh.

Considering I do like the plotline, characters and general idea of this series, and my dislike lay more with this book's couple, I still have faith in this series as a whole.