A review by andi10109
Movie Star: They Always Say They're Single by Jessica Simpson


I adored Jessica Simpson in the 2000s even after all her scandals and her being painted as just another dumb blonde. I knew there was more to her than that.

This little story/essay, give insight into what it was like to be her at that time. The way they obsessed over her weight and the way she looked didn’t surprise me if that’s how we all grew up back then. I wasn’t even surprised to learn that she was an avid reader, reading Jane Austen, and the Brontë sisters. I always knew that she was smarter than they made her out to be.

Her story takes us through what it was like to be dating at that time, and how shy she was, and scared to make new connections. She definitely had a sense of naivety, but she also seems to be self aware of that fact.

My only pet peeve about this, while I know why she did it, was that she didn’t use the names of of people she was interacting with, other than Nick who we all know means Nick Lachey. *side note that’s not important: my phone autocorrected Lachey to Lachrymose and I have no idea what that is* It was easy to pick up on some context clues and guess, but we can’t know for sure. If anyone knows who “movie star” is, let your girl know!