A review by ashureads
The King's Men by Nora Sakavic



You go into this ones guns blazing after reading the raven king. it's the start of the end and the whole pacing of the book was amazing I definitely feel like it was all falling into place. I was worried about how everything would turn out, whether it would be a great ending. And although it wasn't a to the dot, everything a perfect book should be. That's what I loved about this series. It's not you're usual expert writing but it feels like home, and it feels real. Like you are a fox, and this is your narrative. It's what Sakavic does better than a lot of authors, puts you into the story and so you become absorbed in the conflict as if it was your own.

"He dreamed of facing his father on an Exy court, and in his dream the foxes won"

My favourite parts were Andrew (ofc) something about him I just relate too? I'm not even sure myself but there's something about him that's so captivating. I also love the way he speaks, all of his lines are just *mwah* oh to speak so elegantly yet badass. OK FANPERSON MOMENT OVER!!! I adore how Sakavic developed all these characters especially Neil and Andrew in this book along with their relationship. Reading parts where they are together is like watching a super nova, you can't do anything but watch with a sense of awe. Also I'm obsessed with Neil too, his personality really shone in this book as he accepts the foxes as his family. It set the tone for some of the most emotional and heartwarming scenes in the series. Neil in general, whats there not to love about him. Every moment where he talks and cares about the foxes made me smile. I loved Kevins character development too his growth from book 1 to this one was so good to read, the way he comes out of his shell, the way he becomes human

"He didn't want to feel this, so he thought about the Foxes instead"

The plot of this book was amazing too especially since you look forward too it. Finally the foxes are on their way to their goal it just makes you more excited. You witnesses more things to do with the characters rather than just Exy, it dives deeper into the complex conflict of the foxes and it draws you in so well. There were so many page turning momens so many well written scenes it was really hard to put down!

"'Neil Josten,' he mouthed. 'number 10, starting striker, Foxhole court'"

I wish this one was shorter and the foxhole court was longer. I feel like it's a lot to get through in one book it feels rushed even though it's not? Making the books more balanced might have changed that. But overall thats literally my only complaint (thats new, I'll talk about the series overall in a review)

This was the final book in the aftg series and it gave you everything the final book should. An even bigger love for the characters, an amazing climax and a satisfying ending. I'm so so happy with how this series ended and I'm so happy I read it. I love the foxes and I'd die for them. I'd definitely reccomend this series to anyone, get past the first book and it's the most gripping reads ever.