A review by sadie_rae
Re/Bound by Michele Zurlo


The book starts 8 months after Darcy's fiance Scott has gone missing and is presumed dead. After police investigations have come up dry they called in the FBI in hopes that they will be able to infiltrate the company that Scott worked for (and Darcy still works for). When Malcolm first meets Darcy it's when she is his mark and he is undercover as Theo. Though he was able to clear her of being a part of Scott's death with in hours of meeting her, his superiors will need more than his 'gut' feeling and he still needs her to get in with her employer. As 'Theo' and Darcy's relationship develops they become intimate both physically and emotionally, but how close can you truly get to someone when they are pretending to be someone else? And who forgot to do their homework and missed the fact that Malcolm is cousins with one of Darcy's friends?

I did enjoy this book though it felt like there was something missing... This book isn't really a 'hot and steamy' read, so if that's whats on your mind re-think that. The relationship between Darcy and Malcolm is more mature and down to earth. I liked how Malcolm didn't instantly know everything about Darcy right off the bat, the fact that they had to stop at times and talk about what was ok and what wasn't several times was nice and made it seem more real. The down side of the book is that it was much more relationship oriented than I would have liked. Yes, the FBI was doing a whole operation but you really only meet two of the guy's. Also, the build was a bit weak. By the end of the book I want to be sitting straight up in my chair (on the couch, on the edge of the bed...) biting my nails in anticipation and wondering if they are going to get the bad guy or if they're going to die. The whole capture of the bad guy was a bit monotone for me, you just kind of missed that urgency and the suspense. So it felt a bit more like 4 stars but in the end 3 stars.