A review by nadine_booklover
In Harmony by Emma Scott


4.5 stars

"This world will try to take things away from you, but it can never take your mind or what you put in it."

Even though I had some days to recover from this emotional read, I think I probably won't be able to find all the right words to describe this book. In Harmony shook me to the bone and I couldn't take my eyes of the pages.

"I burn. I pine. I perish."

If this isn't your first book by Emma Scott, you already know she's the queen of giving us all the feels. It's like she pours her heart into every single page, between every single line. With In Harmony she delivers once more a great and soul-touching read.

"Isaac was a grenade thrown through the ice and numbness, shattering it in a messy explosion."

The main topic covered in In Harmony is a pretty sensitive one. It's a topic that today's society is more than aware of and more and more people find the courage to speak up even though it's still kind of taboo. Emma took on this topic with the full sensitivity it deserves and I really hope it helps someone in the same or similar situation finding the strength to speak up.

But that's only one side. In Harmony also covers another topic that society rather puts aside than confront and resolving it. It's a simple fact, that life and society don't give things for free. If you are born on the so called wrong side of the tracks you need to work double or triple as hard as others getting out of it. And most likely only those who are strong enough to endure the fight will make it. Some people don't even get the chance to fight.

Emma found a great way to entangle those two sensitive and touching topics in an even more touching love story of two broken humans finding their whole world in each other.

"Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, But never doubt I love."

Willow is one hell of a perfect heroine. She was hurting and her pain was obvious in every single line of the book. And I love the fact, that even though she seemed to be broken beyond repair, she never gave up on herself. Willow found a way back into live and allowing love as a healing power inviting Isaac right into her heart.

"Love was there first."

Isaac is beyond perfect. He's got everything I'd be looking for in a guy in my real world. The way he embraces Willow and her pain, the way he's there for her without pushing or any expectations is just not from this world. At the same time he never forgot about his own dreams and found a way to bind all things back together.

"I thought I was lost, but he brought me back. He allowed me to find my way back to myself."

I love the way how Emma gave those two characters the possibility to express themselves. A way how they were able to speak the words they wouldn't have spoken any other way.

Well, with that said I could go on and on and on on how much I loved In Harmony and how much it touched my soul and heart. And I'm sure I would tell you all the great things you might have read in other fantastic reviews which loved this book equally.

"I hear it, Isaac. I hear it in every look, every touch. I hear you. The words of your heart."