A review by mttmrtn
Bridge 108 by Anne Charnock


Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

So, I am a massive dystopian novel lover and always have been. I love the many different approaches that folks take, and they often are extremely timely for what is happening in the world.

This story takes place in England after what seems like a major climate crisis throughout Europe. It follows the main character, Caleb, and his journey from refugee to human trafficking to escapee, etc. and the many folks he meets along the way.

While it was a fairly quick read, I will be honest that I was a little underwhelmed throughout. Some elements never really landed and the overall story left me wanting a lot more. I felt like the characters never really developed and there was very little back story, so that it just felt like a very bare-bones outline of multiple perspectives of characters. Multiple times I felt like it was building up to something that could be really exciting, but each time I was let down.

In spite of this, it is definitely worth giving a try if you are someone who enjoys dystopian type lit.