A review by margaery
Th1rteen R3asons Why by Jay Asher


Have you seen the movie Easy A? I'm not even sure if that movie is based from a book. I'm too lazy to do a quick research on that. This story is a darker flipside version of that movie. Very timely, more real, and highly relevant too. Bullying has always been and will always be a large part of why most people, especially during their high school years, suffer from situational depression. I, for one, did.

This book should be a required reading for high school students. Why can't teachers find books like this? Why do they always force kids to read the classics that are too advanced for them? Have the kids read books that they can relate with. Like this one.

You know who else needs to read this book? Teachers themselves. Kids see their teachers more than their parents. When kids go to their teachers for help and/or advice, most of the time, they are not fully equipped with the things that could possibly help the kids. Why? Because they do not truly know them. They want the teens to grow up. The teens try to grow up and ask their teachers for guidance and they can't be more helpful than the next teacher in the faculty room.

This is a story on how we affect the people's lives that are connected with ours. Now I wonder, how do I influence the lives of my friends and family? Is my presence in their life doing good for them or not? Have you thought about it before? Are you even slightly sensitive on how you impact someone's life? DO you think you are on of the reasons why?