A review by kafka_on_the_shore
When I Hit You: Or, a Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife by Meena Kandasamy


A very well written fictional account of an educated and strong woman facing domestic abuse at the hands ofa man who claims to be textbook communist/ leftist. The best part of the book for me was the nuanced manner in which the writer exposed the hypocrisy and duplicity of so called leftist intellectuals who wear different masks when in public and preach a plethora of marx/mao/lenin but dont bother to hold themselves to the very same ideals and principles in their private life. The writing stile of the author with the right amount of wit, humor and sarcasm keeps the reader engaged and entertained. Lastly but most importantly, its a book that reveals why its important to escape an abusive marriage before its too late in spite of all the social prejudices attached to such a step. Overall a good book.