A review by the_bookubus
The Possession by Jesse Harris


This is my first time reading The Power series, about teenage psychic McKenzie Gold, and I really enjoyed book one: The Possession.

We meet McKenzie, Mack, and her best friend Lilith, Lilicat, as they browse a flea market for Halloween costumes. Lilicat finds a shawl and other items to dress up as a gypsy...but it turns out the shawl is possessed and takes over Lilicat when she wears it! Mack notices her friend's change in personality and is concerned for her. Through her special psychic abilities she soon realizes that the shawl is to blame but no one believes her. Can she convince them before it's too late?!

Sure the story is nothing particularly ground-breaking but it is well written, well paced and features a relatable cast of characters. I loved the friendship between McKenzie and Lilicat, plus her relationship with her boyfriend Aidan, they felt really sweet and genuine. There were some wonderfully 90's moments such as a teenage boy with a peace sign shaved into his crewcut!

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this slice of supernatural teen nostalgia and I'm looking forward to continuing with the series!