A review by satyridae
Sprout by Dale Peck


This book has a truly violent and scary underlayer. Sprout is a complex and interesting young man, and he's surrounded by odd characters and strange reverberations from his past. His mom's dead, his dad's a drunk, his kinda-sorta-boyfriend's.. well, that'd be a spoiler. The characters are well-drawn and eccentric. I'm not really sure how I feel about this one- it's disturbing and unresolved and what Wendy Burton would probably call a 'boy book' in a slightly dismissive tone. Peck's work has been hit or miss for me, with the standout being [b:Drift House: The First Voyage|19983|Drift House The First Voyage|Dale Peck|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1167290872s/19983.jpg|1931660]. This, for me, doesn't reach those giddy heights, but it's certainly worth a read for the disorientation factor alone.