A review by becsa
Love Thyself by Layla Stevens


Kellie Kingston grew up as "southern royalty" but that is the opposite of what she really is. Forced to compete in pageants by her mother she asks to be called Kaleb and explains to her mom that she wants to be a boy. Ignoring her pleas, her mom, Cora Beth, forces Kellie to continue living her life the way that Cora Beth wants.

But Kellie rebels and soon finds a supporter with her dad, Sterling. Sterling has his own secrets and soon we find that this family has many secrets and will it cause the family's downfall?

I truly loved the idea of this book but I found it almost too much with anything that could go wrong went wrong. Everything seemed somewhat forced and not natural and unfortunately I found myself disconnecting with the characters and I really didn't want to.

There was so many bad things that happened that they just seemed to come one after another without giving the reader a break. Yet some things were resolved so easily that it didn't have a realistic enough feel to it.

I really loved the concept of the book and I look forward to reading more from the author as she has some great ideas.