A review by anovelstart
Grave Dance by Kalayna Price


Ok, ok, so I decided to give the second book a go. Basically, although I thought the first book was fairly average, I couldn't get it off my mind, so I decided to give the series a second chance. After all, the author must be doing something right if it sticks in your head that much.

Alex Craft finds out she's part Fae and is undergoing a transformation in this novel which is triggered by the blood moon in the previous book. In this novel, Alex is investigating why left feet keep appearing on the rivers edge, the first lot being glamoured by a local fae (which involves the local FIB) and Fae now keep going missing as the Queen of the Winter Court in Fae recall the independent Fae living in the area.

The end of this book has such a big twist that it left me stunned. I'll leave out the who's, but a soul collector gone rogue and a witch who has recently been released (by accident?) are trying to connect the planes so they can be together at last. A soul collector named by Alex as "the Grey Man" proves to Alex that this is the very reason why her and Death cannot be together, even after he declares his love for her at the end of the first book.

Alex travels throughout Fae in this novel and learns more than she bargains for, even finding some long lost family members. Now that she knows she's part Fae, she must choose a court to align to or else declare herself as independent. The only problem is, if she chooses any court except the winter court, she can no longer live in the same city.

She storyline of this book is absolutely amazing, I'd say it was a masterpiece and beyond mind blowing. There are so many twists that you just end up hooked on the book (is that such a bad thing?). Put it this way, I finished the book in a day. I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who's interested.

If you like my review please visit my book blog at: http://a-novel-start.blogspot.co.uk