A review by jonnaandherwails
The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi


NOTE: Thanks to Wednesday Books for providing me an e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review! Any quote used in this review is taken from the e-ARC, and the final print of the book may differ.

"Love did not always wear the face one wished it would. Sometimes it looked downright monstrous." - The Silvered Serpents by Roshani Chokshi

Although full of wit and culture, The Silvered Serpents seems unable to reach the same energy that The Gilded Wolves provided its readers. Don't get me wrong. I still love this book, and will continue to support the entire series. However, middle book syndrome is real in this case.

Chokshi continues to give us a world interlaced with religion and myths. Her extensive knowledge of all these symbols and how she delicately chooses to piece them together amazes me. And, what's really striking is how she provides us with characters coming from different cultural backgrounds and is still able to highlight each character's identity with respect to their cultures.

In The Gilded Wolves, Hypnos is easily my favourite character. I mean, he's really just a kid who wants love and attention, and I would be willing to give that to him. However, The Silvered Serpents gives us a different side of him—a seemingly manipulative, user-friendly individual who's as confused as we are in regards to what he really wants in life. Hypnos' manipulative (a.k.a. playful) tendencies, however, doesn't even begin to describe that of Séverin's.

Read the rest of my review here: https://jonnaandherwails.wordpress.com/2020/10/02/the-silvered-serpents-by-roshani-chokshi-book-review/

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