A review by ksangabriel15
Upside Down, Inside Out by Monica McInerney


4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book! Without knowing much about it going in, I was definitely pleasantly surprised.

I loved that it not only alternates between Eva and Joseph’s perspectives, but gives switches between them at the exact same moments in time. I imagined a split screen while reading.

I also thought this book was funny. While there were some serious moments and issues, the majority of the book is comical, especially with all of the near-misses and the fake stories that just got wildly out of control.

Above all, I thought it was sweet, but not sickeningly so. Eva and Joseph just truly enjoy each other, and their relationship evolves organically, if a little quickly. And there is an epilogue which, for me, really concluded the perfectly.

I would love for this to be made into a movie, and if it ever does, I hope it gives us a glimpse into their future beyond the epilogue! Needless to say that I recommend this book and look forward to reading more from this author.