A review by mrsbishopreads
100 Ways to Love Your Husband: The Simple, Powerful Path to a Loving Marriage by Lisa Jacobson


I like to think we have a great, solid marriage. But, I also say over and over, there’s ALWAYS room for improvement. And since I’m a reader- books like 100 Ways to Love Your Husband by Lisa Jacobson are great supplements for me.

My favorite part about Lisa Jacobson’s book is that it’s short and sweet. Each page is another way you can show love to your spouse, in easy ways. Small things you can add to your daily routine. Words you can say to them when they need a pick-me-up. And she shares little anecdotes from times in her life, that made her realize she needed to implement these things in her marriage. I loved seeing the ways that questions she asked, or how things that she did affected her marriage. Sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impacts!

There’s not a ton of fluff- the book is straightforward and easily implemented. So, if you’re looking for ways to give a little care to your marriage- this would be a good book for you to pick up!

I’m currently reading another one of her books- 100 Words of Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear, because that happens to be my Hubby’s love language. But, 100 Ways to Love Your Husband has ALL kinds of ways to love your spouse.

A well tended marriage is a long-lasting one. So, again- take a little time to care for your marriage and you’ll be a happier spouse in turn.

*I received 100 Ways to Love Your Husband from Revell in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.