A review by shazov
Love in Spades by Charlie Cochet


In this, the start of a new series, we are introduced to the "Kings". Four ex-Special Forces soldiers who have started a private security company; King, Ace, Red & Lucky. This is Ace's story. Four Kings Security is hired to provide protection round-the-clock for Colton who is receiving death threats. Ace takes the lead, and after initial reluctance, once he gets to really know Colton, the rest as they say "is history".

As always in this author's writing, there is action, humour, strong characters and an interesting and entertaining storyline. It's not perfect as, let's face it, in reality Ace should have taken a back seat in the protection detail once he developed feelings for Colton, but if you can overlook that it's a fantastic story. Charlie Cochet's talent truly lies in bringing us strong, believable, characters, witty dialogue and a storyline that usually holds a twist in it's tail somewhere.

I'll be counting down the days for the next book in the series, which I believe will be Red's story!