A review by chandler_0
Baby Proof by Emily Giffin


I listened to the audiobook narrated by Christine Marshall.

Having listened to, and enjoyed, Something Borrowed and Something Blue by the same author I was a little disappointed with this book. I didn’t have strong feelings either way about the topic but I did find it strange that Ben and Claudia instantly got divorced without any discussion when he changed his mind about having children.

I usually find at least one character that I love or, at the very least, root for but I found myself rather apathetic to the cast of characters in this story. Daphne was probably the most likeable and I did eventually warm a little to Claudia after the incident with her niece but generally I just didn’t particularly like her.

Whether reading or listening to a book if I can’t wait to pick it up and carry on then I know I’ve found a gem. I could take or leave this one and it took me much longer than usual to get through it as a result.

I would never tell anyone not to read a book that I didn’t love because we all have such different tastes but sadly this is not a book I would actively recommend.