A review by michalice
The Forever Song by Julie Kagawa


The Forever Song is the final book in the Blood of Eden series, so my review will be short, mainly as I really don't want to accidentally spoil any parts of the books to those of you who have yet to pick this one up.
The Forever Song picks up with Kanin, Jackal, and Allison on the hunt for Sarren. He knows they are hunting him, and they are also aware he knows, so little surprises left behind along the way are no real shock for them. Allison is having trouble trying to contain the monster fighting inside her, wanting to try to remain as human as she possibly can but struggling with the vampire wanting to be set free. Seeing how much it takes for Allison to remain human, and fight for it every minute of the day night. When the vampire is finally set free the havoc and chaos that it causes was unbelievable, and I cold not believe that Allison, the girl we have seen fight so hard to remain true to herself, could cause this type of destruction.

When this travelling group reaches a certain point there was a twist thrown in that I did not expect at all, I so did not see that coming, I was left speechless, and my whole idea of how this world works was turned on its axis. However, while this was a shocking twist, it fits in perfectly with the story and I think it helps Allison reign her vampire in and have a real focus on things.

The Forever Song was a big book and it took me a while to read. I thought there were a few moments were it dragged out just a tad too long for my liking, but overall I did enjoy the book. I loved the dynamic and often strange relationship Allison has with Jackal, and the bickering between them both had me laughing at times....and occasionally wishing Allison would kick his butt just to shut his mouth up. The journey this group take is perilous in all kinds of ways, there is more fighting, more secrets, and even more people out to get them. The ending of The Forever Song wasn't what I expected, but I do like how it ended. The lead up to the end had me on tenter hooks, I never knew what would happen next, and I will admit to shedding a few tears, over sacrifices and choices that are made, and even having some 'yes' moments when someone got what they deserved. I was even more surprised to find I had actually become attached to Jackal in some weird kind o way, I never particularly liked him, yet having his constant presences in this book made me actually begin to like him.

The Forever Song was an overall enjoyable read, and it is a great end to this series.