A review by smallafterall
The Oresteia: Agamemnon, The Libation Bearers, The Eumenides by Aeschylus


Finally finished this with the deadline of having to teach each play the next day working for me. Not sure how I escaped reading these at one time or another, though admittedly I've always had a strange aversion to 'classics' for a literature major type like myself. Any-who, the Eumenides' courtroom drama and depiction of Athena as the only sensible figure in a centuries long list of ridiculous murderous fools and capricious oafish gods was well worth the cost of admission here. Robert Fagles' translation makes this pretty darn readable once committed. The intro is comprehensive and informing. Ancient Lit may not have been my first choice of a syllabus to teach, but I'm finding some gems buried in the dust as I go!