A review by allingoodtime
Fully Ignited by Shannon Stacey


The way the hero and heroine, Scott and Jamie, so easily step into their “secret” affair is kind of wonderful. Of course, due to the fact that she’s his boss, they both have some internal struggles. But their chemistry and pull toward one another is just too strong and they don’t really question it once it all starts. Their attraction is such that all those around them seem to feel it even when Jamie and Scott are not even interacting with each other.

Scott was not a favorite of mine in the first book, Heat Exchange. While I totally understand the brother/best friend aspect that he was dealing with, he was still a hot head with a short fuse. It was great to see the maturity he’s acquired after seeing his best friend and sister find their HEA, as well as dealing with his other sister’s marital ups and downs. A lot of times it’s the fact that the right woman has come along that settles the notorious bachelor down. Not so in this story. Scott had already realized he wanted to change his ways, that it was time. I found that very sweet.

I enjoyed getting the female view of being a firefighter…especially a female officer. Of course, I love the guys at this particular firehouse and they were all great. But it was also good to have a few conversations where some admitted they weren’t sure what to expect but that Jamie showed them she’s just like one of the guys when it comes to doing her job. And although she was treated quite fairly, I’m glad she recounted some past incidents she had to deal with so the reader could get all aspects of being a female in a male dominated field.

See full review at https://allingoodtimeblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/26/fully-ignited-book-review/