A review by readingromancehea
Something Good by Melody Claire


Sammy hasn't been dealt a fair hand in life. He found a ray of sunshine in Will. When Will moves away Sammy feels lost. When your whole reason for existing leaves you it makes you look at life differently. What happens when you find yourself reunited with your first love? You get angry of course. 

I love the fact that Sammy calls Will his "Golden Boy". Sammy doesn't deserve all that's happened to him. I want to hug him and tell him he's loved. Will is such a sweet man. It broke my heart when Will left. The whole letter thing made me feel for both of them. The fact that they met up again at their spot was perfect. Their summer together was beautiful. I adore Jimmy and I hate Charlotte with a burning passion. The ending was great. There is a part one and a part two. You have been warned. This is spicy!