A review by bookishlynomes
The Embrace by Vivian Wood


3.75 stars

The Broken Slipper trilogy has been so thrilling from start to finish. From The Patron to The Dancer, and now finally The Embrace, billionaire Calum and ballerina Kaia have been on a journey of self-discovery, love and life.

The Patron hooked me in, The Dancer kept me on the edge of my seat, and The Embrace tied up many of the increasingly complicated storylines - and this couple really had to deal with a lot. While I did enjoy this book and loved finally getting an ending to this series (especially after binge reading the first two books within a matter of days), I did have some mixed feelings on a few things. It's hard to put my finger on exactly why but I think it was mainly the pacing. This book is fast paced. There are so many things going on and even more new events that occur within this book, that at times it felt like there was almost *too* much going on. I don't want to give any spoilers away but there is a particular scene that felt like it occurred a little too soon after being hinted at. So much so, I knew immediately what was going on and there was no real element of surprise.

Another aspect I had mixed feelings on were the characters' thoughts process and decision making. Again, it wasn't a huge issue and I think one of the greatest aspects of reading fiction is being put into the shoes of so many different characters, but usually by the end I can understand the character's thought process a little more and that didn't really happen in The Embrace.

That being said, these weren't deal breakers for me and I still enjoyed the book as a whole. I like Wood's writing and the entire series kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters and overall plotline were fun, quirky and dramatic.

There are mentions of more serious topics some of which go into detail and others are more of a passing mention. They include: sexual assault, violence, domestic abuse, etc. Some readers may find the topics triggering, so please keep that in mind before starting this series.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Candi Kane PR and the author for the arc in exchange for an honest review.