A review by kmarx94
Hidden Girl: The True Story of a Modern-Day Child Slave by Shyima Hall


Fantastic book by a very strong woman! What really made this book stand out was the fact that this was a true story. The way it was written and the entire experience Shyima went through made it feel like I was reading a fictional story. But, unfortunately not. Shyima's story is painful and disgusting and I'm so relieved to see what has occurred since she was rescued and her story does help make me more aware of the real situations going on right now, in terms of human trafficking and slavery. I highly recommend this book to all. I can't even imagine the sort of suffering and loneliness Shyima experienced and I know that I wouldn't want anyone else to experience it either. We may think these experiences wouldn't happen to those close to us, but Shyima shows us that's not the case. Even though Shyima's life story started out with this horrible experience, that she'll never gain answers for, she's taken this pain and motivated others to help change the world.

This was one of my library books that had been recommended to me by my niece. It was the first book she's ever recommended to me and it was an amazing read. With school and work this book took me quite a bit to finish, but the book itself is written so well and it does keep your attention throughout the book. I originally started the book at the end of August, but when my power was out all day yesterday (so no homework for me!) I re-read the entire start and finished it in one go!