A review by kayla_llbr
Dirtiest Secret by J. Kenner


We'd tasted forbidden fruit seventeen years ago, and we'd paid a heavy price.

Many of my friends have recommended J. Kenner's work over the years, but Dirtiest Secret is the first of hers' I've had a chance to read. Maybe it was because of that gorgeous cover. Or many it was because of the promise of forbidden love. Either way, I am happy to make her acquaintance as much as I am kicking myself for waiting so long. Not only is her writing extremely sensual, but her storytelling is an example of why she is so popular in this community. She managed to surprise me and for someone that is well read when it comes to erotica, that comes as a very pleasant surprise.

I'm not haunted by pain, but by passion. I feel denied. I feel cheated. Because what was perfect and right and saved us in the dark was forbidden at night.

I feel like this review has me eating my words when it comes to a certain popular troupe floating around right now. In fact, I have posted about how I generally loath romances of this nature. But once that admission was made I was titillated by it. There has only been one book (the first one I read with this troupe) that had me thinking every other story with this element was a pale imitation. I was so wrong. Maybe it's because I didn't expect it but I am totally for it. Especially since it's so damn hard to ignore the absolute longing between Dallas and Jane. Not only sexually but emotionally. You can really feel their hearts bleeding across the page.

She was his lifelong obsession, his dirtiest secret, his deepest love.

But what has me hooked to this story is my hero Dallas. He is unlike any hero I've read before. Why you might ask? Besides his moniker as The King of Fuck...yup, I'm gonna pause and let you marinade in that a bit, he is a kind of a unicorn. Why? Well let's just say that he is not at all what he seems. In fact, once this little tidbit about our hero was revealed I was equal parts shocked, intrigued, and desperately wanting to know more. I never thought that this type of admission
Spoilerthe hero suffers from erectile dysfunction and yet none of his conquests are aware. Seriously. It's wicked genius.
would be something that can be sustainable in an erotic series, nonetheless, but I've never read of any such predicament in this genre and for that I tip my hat to Ms. Kenner. Towards the end the drama between Dallas and Jane felt a little predictable, but it wasn't a bad thing. I am still excited while we await for Hottest Mess.

4 stars