A review by bluejayreads
The Girls From Alcyone by Cary Caffrey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 6%.
I was expecting a lot more of scifi mercenary girls action and adventure out of this book. Girls with special genes sold into slavery to a mercenary organization, then escaping and fighting for their own survival and the freedom of the other slave girls sounded like a dramatic action adventure to me. 

But it started off slowly, with Sigrid and Suko as children on the planet Alcyone, at the "school" Kimura Corporation set up to train their slaves to be mercenaries. Sigrid struggled to learn things and was bullied by the other girls for it. Suko was pretty goood at the lessons but was friends with Sigrid anyway. Sigrid missed her family and wished she could see them again. Suko hated her family for selling her into slavery. That was the extent of the story that I got through. 

And admittedly, I didn't get very far. It's very possible that it could have picked up and gone into the mercenary action/adventure that I was hoping for. But neither the plot, the characters, or the setting was grabbing me right out of the gate, and considering I'd not finished the five books I'd picked up prior to this one, I was getting pretty good at putting down books that didn't grab me. 

I'm not saying this is a bad book - it has a 3.6 average rating on the StoryGraph, some people obviously must. It just didn't grab me early into the story, and it had the unfortunate distinction of being number six in a string of highly un-satisfying books. In different circumstances, I may have read more of it. I may even come back to it eventually. But for right now, 6% is enough. 

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