A review by draconicrose
Gentlemen's Game by Lichen Craig


I read a lot of "sad" and "dramatic" books but they usually don't drive me to tears like this one did. The relationship being developed is both believable and normal, despite the interesting circumstances in which it starts.

The first time I heard about the book was on the Gay Sex Podcast where it was mentioned in an interview with the author where it was said that the book generated some controversy (if I remember correctly) because it depicted men cheating. I don't remember anyone mentioning the graphical, brutal and explicit rape scene, which I guess says something about our society.

Despite that, the book is very well done and the rape is actually dealt with appropriately. It's not used a cheap device, but rather as a major trauma (the way it should be). I don't agree with Grey's choices at the end, but I can't really call them unrealistic since many victims raped as part of domestic abuse do return to their abusers.

The book does contain a happily ever after, which I guess is good to end on a high note. More importantly, it makes the reader think, what they would do in such a situation, why they feel a certain way about a character's choices, etc and that is extremely important in a book.

No technical failures of note, only the occasional typo.