A review by outcolder
Her Smoke Rose Up Forever by James Tiptree Jr.


These stories were so dark, I had to take a little break from it in the middle. Although there is some 'essentializing' ... I mean these stories are from the 70s mostly ... so much of the awfulness of men and humans in general seems to be accepted as biological... the unflinching look at the problem of men's violence, of the kind of 'literary' heterosexual models that [a:Andrea Dworkin|23879|Andrea Dworkin|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1280820472p2/23879.jpg] critiqued in [b:Intercourse|892006|Intercourse|Andrea Dworkin|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1476135878s/892006.jpg|877243] keeps the stories feeling radical and necessary. That they all tend to end with humanity dead or at least all the characters dead is for the suicidal author maybe a series of happy ends. There is always a spark of hope somewhere... but you can count on it being crushed by the last paragraph.