A review by ashleyjapan
Sworn to Conflict by Terah Edun


Why do I keep reading this series? I ask myself this question every time. I don't hate the books at all! But the cannon is shaky at best and things keep seeming to change at a whim. First, the narrator is telling us Ciardis has a small body, then she is telling us that she was not so small. Ciardis' personality is all things to all people and everyone ends up loving her. Ok, so I don't hate her either and the story is entertaining. But the lack of consistency is kind of distracting. But as far as a light high fantasy book goes, this one doesn't take itself too seriously and that is exactly why I like reading them. It was ok, I liked it, I will keep reading this series because it is definitely entertaining. But the writing is just distracting enough to keep it at a two star rating from me this time around again. Come on book four, give me a three star experience!