A review by sylyons
Biting the Sun by Tanith Lee


I wish I could give this a 3.5. I liked it but it wasn't 4 enough for me. I found the beginning of the book a little slow. Which is weird because the pace of the book is not that slow. But I felt that the narration of the main characters dragged out a little too much. I understand that the author was portraying the society of that time but I didn't think there needed to be that much.
It got a lot more interesting towards the middle of the first book and into the second book. It really showed how she was doing what she wanted to do regardless of what the Q-R were telling her. She decided to go with what she liked and not what the government was telling her to like. Very Wall-E.
Then when she started growing her garden, it got a lot more interesting. How she was learning to grow a garden to make the desert bloom and the different types of people that were wanting to join here, away from the city. Initially, I wasn't quite sure how to feel about the 3 Older androids and the confrontation. I felt like there would have been more conflict but the more I thought about it, it made a little more sense. The robots weren't sure how to handle the situation and decided to be passive aggressive about it. When that didn't work, they sent spies but that didn't work. And they gave up. Because they didn't have any other plans they may have stopped but I felt that they would have continued because it seems that the people at the Garden were definitely not wanted. Especially when more were showing up by the end of the book.
I did like the resolution between, the narrator and Hetta. He was persistent and had the patience for her to realize what he was feeling for her.
Overall, it was a good book and I enjoyed reading. I didn't think it needed to be in two books though.