A review by gloriamontagov
I Call My Brothers by Jonas Hassen Khemiri


➥ 1 Star *:・゚✧

the premise of this book seemed important and i was genuinely intrigued, although i had to read this for school. but it was so bad.

the dialogue is strange, nothing substantial or important and they had such strange/rude conversations.

the man stalked a girl for years after she rejected him, so much that she had to move schools, yet he calls her "a fucking bitch".

and they joke about sexually assaulting a police man and actually do it as a dare.

the outro scene was good but it's super cliche and unoriginal. the "i saw someone doing/wearing _____" and then the "i realised i was looking at my reflection". like okk.

this is so bad, never read it willingly. my teacher said a better book with a similar premise would be [b:The Reluctant Fundamentalist|40961543|The Reluctant Fundamentalist|Mohsin Hamid|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1630677173l/40961543._SY75_.jpg|725380].

take care my loves