A review by adamskiboy528491
The Girl Who Lost a Leopard by Nizrana Farook


For kids aged 11 and over, [b:The Girl Who Lost a Leopard|60119308|The Girl Who Lost a Leopard|Nizrana Farook|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1642636570l/60119308._SY75_.jpg|94801971] by [a:Nizrana Farook|19040195|Nizrana Farook|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] is another excellent page-turner from Ms Farook! So we've had an elephant, a whale, and now it's a leopard! It's another fascinating escapade, with inside illustrations to engage readers of all abilities. This thrilling adventure is set in tropical Sri Lanka (a standard location in Farook's work) and introduces and educates the reader on different cultures. It is also crucial for children to see a diverse range of characters in books, especially when they can see themselves reflected, and this is an excellent example of such a book.

Selvi is a wild child who loves climbing in the beautiful mountains behind her home. Lokka, a leopard with a beautiful coat and substantial golden eyes, often joins her. When hunters come for Lokka, Selvi is determined to fight. But what can she do against such powerful enemies? The character of Sevi is brave, determined, and an unstoppable force on a mission to conserve Lokka from the hunters, even if this means trusting classmates she has previously doubted, risking her own life and disobeying her family to try and lead Lokka to safety.

Somehow Farook captures every movement, mannerism and growl with such gorgeous precision that, for this reader, it conjures such vivid images. This is another fast-paced novel full of beautiful narratives that takes you right into the heart of Sri Lanka. The threads of loneliness versus freedom and bullying combined with power open your mind to see just how brave you must be when faced with wrongdoing and mistrust. Let's be honest; this book is a must for any animal-loving child's bookshelf.