A review by kphmitten
Fear: Essential Wisdom for Getting Through the Storm by Thích Nhất Hạnh


This book was loaned to me because I expressed interest in it to them when they received it. I think I was expecting something else, or perhaps my judgemental attitude didn't allow me to fully open myself up to this. Certain aspects, such as mindful breathing and expelling the energy you wish to receive into the world is something I can understand. Being present to my loved ones and mindful listening are worthy goals. Original fear (birth), no death, and the idea of all my ancestors being a part of me so I need to conquer their fears and live every moment of my life keeping their ideas and thoughts in mind with every step I take, the idea of an umbilical cord between the sun, me, and the earth...not so much. Luckily, it was a short, quick read but I'm in no hurry to explore more Buddhist philosophy at this time.