A review by ria_sedai
Η Νιάλ από τη Γη των ανέμων by Licia Troisi, Εύη Τσεκούρα


I haven't completed the trilogy yet, so my pov about the characters/plot/world building is a bit narrow.

In my opinion this is not a book every reader will enjoy. The main character, Nihal, is at times frustrating but at the same time understandably so, since we know she is in fact a child gone through some very hard and traumatizing events.
That put aside, I wouldn't say we see any character development for Nihal (or any other character to be honest, except maybe Sennar).

As far as the plot is concerned, I would say I have the feeling this is our typical prophecy child trope, but be mindful that I've only finished the 1st book so far.

The plot is pretty straightforward without any twists or surprises so far but still kept me interested enough to keep reading.

To summarize, I enjoyed this book and will definitely read the rest of the trilogy. I think the translation (reading it in Greek) is excellent and the cover art conveys the overall feeling of the book. A badass teen who wants revenge but needs to get a deep-dive and reflect upon her feelings and motives before moving on.