A review by bibliophile90
Cartel by Lili St. Germain



This book has been waiting on my CLIFFHANGER shelf for a while now because I don't like cliffhangers or series where the book focuses on the same couple. BUT I was in a book funk and wasn't interested in any of the stand-alone books on my shelf. I am getting better and better in reading books that end in cliffhangers (where the sequel/series isn't released yet). I am glad I didn't wait and decided to dive into this book. I am an huge fan of the Gypsy Brothers series, and couldnt wait to read about Mariana, Dornan and John. I know how it will end and that scares me a lot but I just want to know the story.

Dornan is evil, but he isn't evil as we saw him in the Gypsy Brothers series. It is easy to see he is developing feelings for Ana, but I am not sure if Ana's feelings are genuine or she is just falling for him because he "saved" her. I can't wait to see more of John and how the whole relationship will develop. I wish the whole series was released already!!