A review by girlglitch
Daughters of the Dragon: A Comfort Woman's Story by William Andrews


I knew of comfort women before reading Daughters of the Dragon, but hadn't ever seen their experiences represented in fiction. Andrews tells an important story, and has created an emotive and sensitive account of one comfort woman's fight to survive.

The writing style threw me at first - it's simplistic and lacks literary finesse - but it grew on me, and there were times when the style actually helped to foreground the emotional power of the story. It's highly readable, and like a lot of others reviewers I found myself speeding through the book - which on the whole is a good thing, although towards the end of the novel I felt the narrative fast-forwarded a little too quickly.

But the story, and the history it covers, is truly engaging, and Jae-hee makes for an inspiring heroine. An extremely worthwhile read.