A review by lnzlou55
Rapture Untamed by Pamela Palmer


I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about Jag at first, but it turns out that he was one of my favorite Ferals. I always figured that there was an underlying reason why he was so rude and watching him come to terms with his past was touching. I also loved Olivia. She was such a strong, kick ass woman with cool powers that no one else really had. She also had a vulnerable side which made her more approachable. I thought the two of them together were a great pair. I love that this series has such great action scenes. They really keep you on the edge of your seat while you read. My main problem with this series is that the books don't really stand up on their own. You really have to have read the entire series in order to really understand what is going on. The books don't ever really have their own ending because they are setting you up for the next book. I just wish that the books wouldn't leave so much open just to lead into the next one.