A review by terrybain
The Magnetic Girl by Jessica Handler


I thought I would like this better than I did... and honestly, I can't say that I disliked it so much as I found the pace and repetition a bit bothersome, which is frankly odd because my writing is full of just this pace and likely twice the repetition. Maybe it bothered me because parts of it reminded me of my own proclivities? I'm not sure. But there were moments when I thought "oh, not this again," and then I had to remind myself that people maybe read what I'd written with exactly that reaction. Alas.

Of course there were also matters of plot and circumstance and revelation that irked me. But being irked by plot and circumstance and revelation are hardly what I would call criticism. They just rubbed me the wrong way, and it's not always a bad idea to rub me the wrong way.