A review by cordiallybarbara
Gypped by Carol Higgins Clark


On a scale of cotton candy to Brussels sprouts, Gypped by Carol Higgins Clark is a Chips Ahoy! Cinnamon Sugar Thin cookie. Crunchy with a kick of cinnamon, each bite requires a sip of milk.

Regan Reilly is on a weekend trip while her husband has work training. While out shopping, she runs into her old friend, Zelda. Push comes to shove, and it seems like Zelda is the focus of some nasty business.

A book recommendation from a friend, Gypped offered an easy reading experience. This light mystery kept me curious, and I thoroughly enjoyed the quirky cast of characters. While some head-hopping (sorry, talking shop) and language tense distracted me occasionally, I still enjoyed the story.

If you enjoy mystery and light reading, you may be able to read Gypped in a day.