A review by pastelwriter
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade

Did not finish book. Stopped at 75%.
This was just not working for me. I started out really enjoying it, but eventually I just lost interest. I wanted to love it bc ya know fandom culture, but somewhere a long the way I just stopped caring and started spacing out while listening to the audiobook ☹️

I think part of the issue is that with romance books I don’t really jive with any that the audiobook is longer than like 9 hours. It gets to the point where it feels repetitive and my mind wanders. 

Part of the issue I had with this as well is that the behavior of the characters didn’t match up to their age. Not because they cared about fandom. But their behavior overall just felt younger than they were. 

Regardless, I appreciated that this had fat rep and dyslexia rep, and I’ll probably give the author a second chance in the future with a different book.