A review by hedihenderika
The Alcazar by Amy Ewing


This was just as good or even better than the first one! What an interesting story, amazing characters and worlds. I love the way sexuality is portrayed and the view the people of both worlds have on it. No hate, no prejudice, just understanding. Also the way the characters are portrayed, the female characters are strong without the need to tell you they are badass or can do this and that. They are just strong in their own power, their willpower, their emotions and spirit. It was so refreshing to read about characters that show you instead of telling you without showing you how strong they are. Also the “villains”, they had so much more to them than just being bad. They had their own journey and history. Very refreshing! A beautiful story about greed, love, friendship, forgiveness, hope and the discovery of one’s self. Surely this book isn’t perfect and some things that i would have seen more fleshed out or different... but i would definitely recommend reading this duology!

As for the negative reviews of the first book, i feel that a-lot of points people weren’t a fan of were explained in this conclusion. The cerulean do have more than only lesbianism, there are more people like Sera that are heterosexual, but there are people who are asexual or pansexual ect. Because the planet hasn’t moved in more than 900 years and they were forbidden to travel to the planet, the cerulean don’t know how things used to be. I can see why the ltbq+ community is disappointed in this story because the main character turned out to be straight when she came from a lesbian community. As for the racism I didn’t see any in the way of “the pure with people” aka the ceruleans and that the people of Kaolin and Pelago as the bad poc humans. The cerulean are an alien species coming to this world to learn from it and it’s inhabitants. The cerulean were just as flawed as the people of the planet. I feel like everyone should judge for them selfs and read the book if they want. I someone doesn’t like it that is fine, but please if you feel like you would be interested in reading this duology go in with an open mind and ignore the negative reviews.