A review by romancejunkie1025
The Phantom by Gena Showalter


Well as usual this story was one for the ages, one that will leave you in tears, laughter, and wondering why you and your mate didn’t have a game off “how many organs can I steal from you” during your courtship. There is truly nothing like a Showalter story when it comes to the unique and interesting ways that she brings her lovers together, even against the most outlandish and unbelievable of odds. With enemies at every turn you wonder how the hell she could ever get these two from death and torture to the love that will change a universe and tip the scales of an epic battle for the fate of the gods. This series is not for the faint of heart to be sure, with gruesome details, heartbreaking tragedies, and the outlandish and terrifying habits of some creatures that make you wonder if they are psychotic or just a little quirky. That said I haven’t read a single story that I haven’t loved and that hasn’t left me dying for the next in the series, so if you want a wild ride filled with action, passion, twists and turns, reach no further than The Phantom.

There is always that bit of speculation when I begin a Gena Showalter novel—will she pull out that HEA? This novel I truly wasn’t sure how she was going to manage it. Obviously if you’ve read previous novels in the series you’d know the chips were already stacked against them, but then reading the blurb it just became less and less likely in my mind. But thankfully Gena again pulled out a miracle and we got not only a stellar ending with an HEA, but a story filled with plots twists to rack the brain, epic danger and action, and two people so obviously in love that you wonder why we didn’t see it sooner. Blythe was the kind of woman that you want to be friends with just because you always wanted someone to get into and out of trouble with. Strong, sassy, deadly, and loving she is the ultimate female warrior and one you want on your side for sure but definitely NOT as an enemy. On the other hand, Roux is the kind of male that you wonder how the poor guy ever ended up in his life. It’s obvious that while he is a skilled warrior he truly doesn’t have the heart or mind made to be a killing machine, and he is far from the sociopathic male that we might think he is in the beginning. I loved seeing these two circle one another and fight their way (and fight each other) through the trials and dangers of their courtship to the passionate mating that they should have always had. I am DYING for the next book in the series, though I know I’ll have a bit of a wait and I know that whatever comes next for these Astra warriors and the sexy harpies in their midst it’s gonna be one hell of a ride!

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