A review by brisingr
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi


2nd read: 14-15 May 2024
i can't believe people are calling the Shatter Me books a tiktok sensation like they're not the biggest series of 2010s YA wave (and so fully deserved!!!)

1st read: 24 August - 2nd September 2021
This was *SO* good!! What the hell have I been doing for the past decade??? (I know what I was doing, postponing popular series until the hype dies because that's who I am as a person)
I was so incredibly and pleasantly surprised by this novel! I'm following Tahereh Mafi on instagram and absolutely adoring her content, so I thought it was about time to give her writing a try. And let me tell you.... the writing style in this was absolutely SPECTACULAR!!! This is probably the most well-written YA book I've ever read in my life, and it was so up my alley. Great metaphors, wonderful descriptions, emotions-focused; literally all my favourite things in one. And we are talking about a debut novel here, so this is incredibly impressive and yes absolutely worth the hype.

Also... I finally understand the meaning of the cover, oh my god. I've been waiting so long for this. I enjoyed the world-building - even more relevant nowadays, to be honest, as it encompasses climate collapse. I really liked some of the characters, but the downside of reading a popular series so many years after its release, it's that.... you know the endgame relationships? So reading about this love triangle is like... okay, can we get going already?

A point taken off because i truly LOATHE childhood friends to lovers from the deepest hole in my heart, I'm sorry. Very excited for the new volumes, which I am sure I am going to like A LOT!