A review by hugbandit7
The Last Secret You'll Ever Keep by Laurie Faria Stolarz


This book took me on a wild ride, one I wasn't sure how it was going to end.

It starts with a very unreliable narrator, Terra. She was kidnapped but all of the evidence points otherwise and this causes a lot of grief and anxiety for Terra. Luckily, she finds an online support group to share her fears and story. But we all know that people may not be who they appear to be online, is that the case here?

Besides her own life, she has become attached to one of the other survivors on the board, Peyton. There are other characters in the chat and it is interesting how they interact with each other and show concern for the others. I had to wonder why Terra was so honest with all of the details. I think her age and naivete played a part in her actions, she is 18 after all.

I felt for Terra and thought her character might be able to move forward. That is until nearly everyone seemed to believe that her story wasn't true. It is hard to prove when there is no physical evidence that proves she was kidnapped and her aunt doesn't seem to miss her for the four days she was gone. The stress of the event has Terra on edge and acting erratically. I can't blame her, I can't imagine the stress of surviving the kidnapping can take on a person.

This book had my thoughts and beliefs all over the board. I wanted to believe Terra, but here was all this evidence (or lack of evidence) that said otherwise. Thankfully, she has a new friend, Garrett, that believes her. He seems like a good guy, but in the back of my mind, I wondered if he was involved in the situation. The story picks up steam near the end as everything comes to a head. The truth was quite surprising and not one I expected.

Overall, we enjoyed this book and give it 3 1/2 paws