A review by tittypete
The Quiet American by Graham Greene


It's like 1955. An English reporter is in Vietnam covering the French colonial power's struggle against the Viet Minh commies. He smokes opium and digs out his Vietnamese lady friend Phuong on the regs. He meets this extremely corny American guy named Pyle who falls in love with Phoung after meeting her for about ten minutes. Pyle is super forward and is like I'm going to marry your woman. English guy is all whatever. Then he finds out the American is in Vietnam trying to get a third force going in the conflict. One the people can really get behind. One that's not commie and not a colonizer. Best way to do that? Subsidize some minor acts of terror and blame it on the commies. This pisses the English guy off and he gives Pyle a real tongue lashing. Then Pyle ends up dead and people are all "who dunnit?" English guy gets high and crushes puss.

I found the tone of this book to be a tad on the whiny side. As if England is sort of bitter that is wasn't them fucking up the lives of everyone in Vietnam. And I though the Pyle character was so over the top in his corniness that it was off-putting even though we was essentially the bad guy.