A review by curls
No Man Can Tame by Miranda Honfleur


“No one is ever too little to fight for what they believe in.”

This book was marketed for fans of Warlord or Stolen Songbird, but I feel like the plot is so similar to Grace Draven’a Radiance. It’s got a similar tone, just on a YA setting, so if you liked Radiance, you will either like this book too or wonder if it’s an homage or just straight ripped off. But Radiance is a retelling of beauty and the beast so if you’re looking for a beauty and the beast retelling, you’ll like this one.

Aless is a strong character, known as the Beast Princess before she goes into her engagement. This really isn’t explain except she had scoliosis or something? There was a mention of braces but it really didn’t go further.

Vernon was kind and caring. As a dark elf, he’s strong and a capable fighter. It makes me think of the original Beauty and the Beast, where the beast looks like a monster but is polite.

The romance is slow, but there’s a lot of action. The world the story is set in is fun but it felt more like a sequel series than a stand alone. I would read another book by this author.


“If you like the fantasy and politics of Danielle L. Jensen’s Malediction Trilogy and the romance of Elizabeth Vaughan’s Chronicles of the Warlands, No Man Can Tame will lure you into its world and not let you go.”

Reader, I bought it based on that line alone.

It felt like targeted advertising tbh.