A review by veelaughtland
Best-Loved Poems by Hachette UK


This is a really pretty collection of poetry, with poets ranging from throughout the centuries, some well-known and some I'd never heard of. This collection is separated into nine themed sections: Of Childhood and Youth, Of Love and Marriage, Of Life, Of Loss and Comfort, Of War and Peace, To Read Aloud, To Read Quietly, Of Animals and Nature, and Of Magic and Mystery.

I'm not a massive poetry reader, mainly because I am so used to thinking of poetry in terms of analysis due to my English Literature degree - I always feel like I'm not appreciating poetry fully if I'm not looking for hidden meaning and metaphor. However, I was able to go back and forth with this collection over the course of a week, and although I didn't enjoy all of the poems, there were some definite standouts that I felt were incredibly beautiful and I will have to come back to and re-read. This has also made me really want to buy a book of Robert Frost's poetry because his writing is beautiful.

My main enjoyment of this volume came from the beautiful illustrations by Isabelle Brent. Each section's title page bore a beautiful themed illustration, and there are beautiful drawings scattered throughout that link in with the various poems. The edging of each section's page is different too, which was an unexpected and beautiful addition.

If you are a poetry fan, or are not sure where to start, I would recommend this collection, particularly if you like beautiful books.