A review by sfletcher26
The Citadel by A.J. Cronin


Credited as a writer who inspired and was inspired by Nye Bevan (the architect of the NHS in the UK) this does read a little like a manifesto in places. Despite that it is an easy and engaging read if not a little melodramatic in places.

An enjoyable book club read and one which should prompt some good discussion at our next meeting.

This was also my first eRead. I have been an arch physical book lover all my life and have eschewed Kindles and eReaders of all descriptions. Because this book is unavailable currently in any format other than Kindle edition I was forced to have to at least give it a go. And, if I'm honest, it wasn't that bad. It was easy to use and keep to hand and is great come lunch time at work as its so much easier eat and read at the same time. That said I still don't feel like I've actually read a book. I may never be a fan of eReaders but I'm not at least not dead set against them.