A review by jessreadthis
New Uses for Old Boyfriends by Beth Kendrick


A perfect "relaxing on a Saturday afternoon" kind of read. This is a no stress, outlandish enough in providing escapism, and quirky characters that are easy to like sort of book. A most definite chick lit book as the male characters are designed to appeal to the female reader. And if that is the kind of book mood you are in, go for it in reading this book. I laughed out loud at least five times and had a perma-grin through the last half of the book.

A home shopping network host has-been, Lila Alders finds that her life has been drastically altered. She has no work contract renewal, a cheating husband who has hosed her in divorce proceedings, and all her worldly possessions fit into a large over priced SUV with bad electrical wiring. With her head down, she heads home to the safety net of Black Dog Bay and her mother's care. What she finds is a safety net with a large hole right in the middle. Her devoted housewife mother hasn't been able to keep up with the finances left when Lila's father passed away. A stack of bills and a meeting with an attorney reveal a mass of debt with few options. When a chance encounter with her mother's old white Dior dress reveals a treasure trove of designer and couture garments, Lila realizes all may not be lost. What is left of the family fortune may be tied up in her mother's clothing. Seeking to save the family "farm" so to speak; Lila and her mother open up a vintage clothing boutique for the summer tourists in Black Dog Bay. Lila encounters three past exes from her former high school life and realizes she doesn't want to be the "place holder" girl in a man's life. Lila discovers there is permanence in second chances with new beginnings.
Thank you Goodreads giveaways and NAL Penguin Group for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.