A review by ochie_anne9
Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally


I give this about 3.5 actually because I kept laughing at the parts where Parker's dad kept calling Corndog 'Corn Fritters'. Other than that the direction of the story was pfffft. But there are some really good parts too.

Is it just me?! or did you also expect this to be like Catching Jordan where it's a lot about football!?! so I was thinking this would be like 'yeah now I know everything about baseball too!' but no. hmph. Big let down. My expectations betray me all the time.

Miranda Kenneally has this habit of suddenly destroying main characters at the end of the story. She'll let you go into the story and like place these characters in the spotlight and making them seem they're awesome and all that and perfect and the good guy. But then suddenly she'd write them in a chapter to show that there's a glitch in their personality and that they're not really the good guy or whatever. Frustrates me so much! poor Brian.

Anyways I think Parker's a bit selfish given her back story with her mom, family and church and all. I mean can she not wait until she's 18 to be with Brian!? That's only 2 months! 2! She's about to graduate! Valedictorian even!! so why can she not freakin wait!? Ok also there's a huge fault in Brian's part but still. Come on. Parker could've handled it better because she's supposed to be really smart. It's not like she's not kissing Brian back! Not to mention that this involves Brian's job and future. Not to mentione hers! so frustrating and annoying. 2 months!

Drew was pretty selfish too, I mean ok you like Will but you're not even sure he's going to like you back and you're supposed to be Parker's friend too you know!? Why didn't you consider her feelings too!? Some bestfriend you are huh?

Laura can suck it.

Will is great but I'm a bit confused with his character. I bit bipolar or whatever. One moment he's super sweet and the next he's all resentment and shit. What is up with not talking to Parker (Don't call me anymore) and then sudden one moment at prom you're standing there eavesdropping Parker and her mom's conversation and then suddenly everything is forgotten so you kiss yey! WHAT!? What is wrong with you!? Gaah. Highschool.
