A review by erinarkin20
Madly by Ruthie Knox


I pretty much love everything Ruthie Knox writes and surprise, surprise...this one was no different. Knox pulled me in with great characters in book one (Truly) and continues this by giving us a better introduction to Allie, May's sister. I loved finding out more about who she is and what has been going on with her. It was also great to see May and Ben show up in this one.

Allie happens to be in New York...even though she is supposed to be in Wisconsin but she has some concerns about her mom and dad's relationship so she is trying to figure out what her mother is up to and while spying on her in a bar, she meets Winston. I loved these two together and loved how they challenged each other and the bucket list was fantastic.

There is a great link to one of my FAVORITE books by Ruthie Knox, About Last Night, that until I read it I didn't really make the connection. I guess that means I should be doing a re-read of that one soon. Honestly, Ruthie Knox is one of my auto-buy authors and this book is one of the reasons why. If you haven't read anything by her yet, you are missing out and should fix that. She always writes great stories with characters who aren't perfect but make you love them anyway.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy.